Winter Horrorland

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Winter HorrorlandWeek 5的第三首同時也是最後一首曲目。該首曲目由Bassetfilms編曲演唱,並於2021年1月20日發布。它被收錄在了Monster中。




Your skin is freezing,
here let me help you take it off.

Feasting with your friends,
what a perfect way to end,
all these lonely holidays.
(la la la la)

Gonna take a piece of your rabies,
and vivisect your mind.

Snowman smiling with your teeth,
fallen angels created with your meat.
(That pearly smile.)

Cut, in a thousand slices.
Bake you 'til, golden brown.
Stuff you with spices.
Serve to friends around.

Separate, you from your eyes.
Turn your girlfriend inside out,
and burn her fingernails.
(la la la la)

Soak your hands in freezing water.
Watching as the skin gets softer.
See your bones appear in dark
red snow.
Drop further below.

Gonna take a piece of your rabies,
and vivisect your mind.
Gonna take a peek inside your head,
and find the worm inside.

Cut, in a thousand slices.
Bake you 'til, golden brown.
Fill you with spices.
Serve to friends around.

Turn the heat on high and
we'll reduce your blood,
boil 'lil boyfriend,
with brandy and plums.


Winter Horrorland有着一個特殊的進場演出。當關卡剛加載完成的時候,背景會響起一聲驚悚的尖叫,同時鏡頭會特寫在一個樣貌酷似Girlfriend的頭顱之上,這顆頭顱被插在了布滿血肉的聖誕樹頂端,稍後鏡頭才會重新移到Boyfriend身上。然而,在Freeplay中,並不會有這一段進場演出,鏡頭會直接對準Monster和Boyfriend,就像其他曲目一樣。


  • Winter Horrorland與另一首曲目Monster在元素構成上有許多相似之處:
    • 這兩首歌曲所處的week都與節日有關,分別是聖誕節(Week 5)和萬聖節(Week 2)。
    • Monster都在最後一首曲目中取代了原本對手的位置。
    • 被取代位置的對手都是二人組合。
    • Winter Horrorland是遊戲中少見的擁有英文歌詞的曲目之一,除此以外擁有歌詞的曲目還有TutorialMonsterUghStress
  • Monster的人聲並沒有附在歌曲的人聲軌道上,這意味着如果在調試菜單中關閉了人聲軌道,Monster的人聲仍然可以被聽到。
  • 在歌曲的0:30和0:32之間,可以聽到一個低沉的咆哮聲。這個特殊的聲音只來自於該軌道的左側音頻通道,鑑於對手通常站在屏幕的左邊,這個聲音很可能是Monster的肚子在咕咕叫。
  • 從歌曲的編曲者和演唱者BassetFilms這條推文所示,Winter Horrorland參考了不少節日主題音樂的元素:
    • 該首歌開頭的旋律以及第一句歌詞"Your skin is freezing, here let me help you take it off."是參考了Residents樂隊的Santa Dog 88
    • 歌詞"Snowman smiling with your teeth, fallen angels created with your meat."對應的旋律參考了1974年定格電視動畫聖誕特輯The Year Without a Santa Claus中的歌曲It's Gonna Snow (Right Here in Dixie)
    • 歌詞"Cut, in a thousand slices. Bake you 'til, golden brown," "Stuff you with spices," "Serve to friends around."對應的旋律來自1992年電視動畫片聖誕特輯Frosty Returns中的歌曲Let There Be Snow
  • 曾經在Monster唱「Turn the heat on high, we'll reduce your blood」時,雖然能夠聽到「blood」的音,但卻沒有對應的Note。這個錯誤在Week 7的更新中得到了修正,給Monster設置了一個向上長按的Note。


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