Mall Santa

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Mall Santa is a background character who appears during Week 5. He is one of the numerous spectators of the rap battle during most of the week.


Mall Santa is a stubby old man with a long white beard, playing the role of a typical mall Santa. He wears a typical red Santa suit with a black belt and golden buckle, white gloves, maroon shoes and a stocking cap. He is seen with a worried expression at all times while sweating profusely.


Not much is known about Mall Santa's personality, but he seems to be perverted, as he stares at Mommy Mearest's breasts,[1] even while being held at gunpoint.


During the tracks Cocoa and Eggnog, he is seen standing next to Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest, constantly being held at gunpoint by the former.

During the track Winter Horrorland, much like everybody else that was spectating in the previous songs, he is nowhere to be seen.


Daddy Dearest

Daddy Dearest takes Mall Santa's throne for himself, holding him at gunpoint to prevent him from snitching.[2] While the mall Santa isn't worried about the gun that much,[1] he is still quite scared as this happens.

Mommy Mearest

An aroused Mall Santa tries to catch a look at Mommy Mearest's breasts,[1] constantly staring at them during Cocoa and Eggnog.


  • Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest are seated on Santa's chair in their Week 5 appearance, highly suggesting that they have stolen it from Mall Santa.
  • ninjamuffin99 has stated that Mall Santa died during Week 5.[3] How he died remains vague and unclear.
    • PhantomArcade elaborated on this, saying that Santa dies if the player loses even once during Week 5.[4]
      • This means that Mall Santa is the first character to die in the game, the second being Senpai in Week 6 and the third being several Tankmen in Week 7.
        • According to ninjamuffin99, Friday Night Funkin' will have a rare "Santa" ending that can only be unlocked if the player never lets Mall Santa die.[5] However, this may have been a joke; when asked in a Reddit AMA about whether Mall Santa would reappear in other weeks or the ending would merely be an Easter egg if it was not a joke, ninjamuffin99 responded by joking that "thats the real santa, and next christmas update at BF's house, he won't have any christmas presents and will be so depressed that he didnt get a PSP he will jump into the road and die, and the game DOES feature permadeath."[6]
  • ninjamuffin99 has hinted that the real reason for Mall Santa's wide-eyed expression is not because of him being held at gunpoint, but rather him sneaking a look at Mommy Mearest's breasts.[1]

